Joining and Supporting the SSNA
If you would like to support our work and become a member of the SSNA, you have two membership options. Please read the FAQ below for information on how we use financial support.
1.) Supporter Membership ($20 a year)
With this membership, you will receive a year-long subscription to the print The Red Phoenix, newspaper of the American Party of Labor.
2.) Full Member ($40 a year)
With this membership, you will receive a lifetime subscription to the Red Phoenix.
3.) Support the SSNA With a Donation
If you would simply like to support our work without yearly obligation, you may donate at the link below.
How do you use financial support?
We will use 100% of all donations towards producing printed material, merchandise, soliciting articles and research from scholars, and paying translators and authors for content on our website.
We also plan on hosting digital and in-person talks and events as we have in the past, which require room fees, food and drink, and pay for speakers.
In general, we use 100% of all support to directly support our work. We will never, as a matter of principle, use financial support for anything other than for what it was intended.
Who is Behind the SSNA?
The SSNA was founded by a coalition of US Marxist-Leninists in 2014. You can read more about our history under the About section above. Many, but not all, of those founding members are members of the American Party of Labor, an anti-revisionist Marxist-Leninist Communist Party in the USA.
Why Defend Stalin Many Decades After His Death?
We hold that attacks on Stalin are not merely attacks on the Soviet Union from 1924-1953, but on communists around the world. When anti-communists attack Stalin, they are also trying to attack revolutionary movements striving for equality, women’s rights, anti-fascism, etc..
We see the defense of Stalin as not only a matter of historical accuracy, but of urgent contemporary political necessity, to defend anti-fascism and ideals Stalin and the Bolsheviks fought for.
Do You Have Any Relations With International Stalin Societies?
In short, yes, the SSNA was formed to facilitate the work of other Stalin societies around the world in English and agitate for an international Stalin society.
The Stalin Society of North America has received solidarity statements from other Stalin societies, including the one below from the Stalin Society Pakistan:
“Dear SSNA Team,
On the behalf of Stalin Society Pakistan i would like to congratulate our brothers and sisters in the Stalin Society of North America at the successful launch of their website.
Working with the founders of SSNA on social media to mobilize the ‘Stalinist’ youth toward the inception of a cyber-group followed by a real world organisation was an exciting and interesting experience. As technology will develop, we will develop our strategies.
It seems the trend set by us inspired from the ideals of the British Stalin Society will result in bringing the Stalinist Wave in the world sooner or later and building of an International Stalin Society will be inevitable.
Once again congratulations to the team of the Stalin Society of North America who are doing marvelous job. I wish you best of luck for your upcoming founding Congress. I hope we could continue our collaboration in exposing lies concerning the greatest proletarian hero!
Saad Ahmad,
Stalin Society Pakistan (StSP)”